Abu Bakr Zoud – Breaking Free From Evil Temptations
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The speakers discuss three types of patience, including avoiding sin and hesitation, avoiding sin, and remaining patient while experiencing negative consequences. They stress the importance of patient mental health and continuous mindfulness to achieve success and reward. The segment emphasizes the importance of avoiding sin and staying focused on one's sin to increase one's reward, as well as the need for people to avoid sin and avoid damaging one's life and reputation. The segment also discusses ways to avoid addiction and avoid sin, including cleaning up one's body and eating healthy foods. The importance of avoiding sin and remaining patient while experiencing negative consequences is emphasized. The segment concludes with a call to stop drinking alcohol and to give people more time to change their behavior.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين
والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه
أجمعين All praise and thanks belongs to Allah
سبحانه وتعالى And may the peace and blessing
of Allah Be upon his servant and final
messenger Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم As to
what follows my dear respected brothers and sisters
in Islam السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته In
the beginning we ask Allah سبحانه وتعالى to
accept from us this gathering to forgive our
sins and our shortcomings And your attendance on
a Friday night is appreciated Appreciated by Allah
عز وجل.
You know Friday night usually people reserve this
day or this night for family For hangouts
for eating at restaurants and so on and
you have decided that you attend a house
from the houses of Allah عز وجل Primarily
to pray Salatul Isha in congregation and then
to listen something of the reminder And so
we ask Allah عز وجل that he placed
that in your good deeds So we ask
Allah عز وجل to place this in your
good deeds We ask him سبحانه وتعالى to
grant us Barakah and acceptance in our life
My brothers and sisters in Islam as you
are aware tonight's lecture has been titled breaking
free from evil temptations in which the idea
is I want to share with you a
few tools a Few tools in which you
can use in your life and they are
practical be in the LA to break away
finally by the permission of Allah from evil
temptations and desires and Addictions upon al-haram
and upon this transgression and disobedience and so
on So at the very beginning I want
to say that Al-iman, you know al
-iman faith is of two halves.
Iman is two halves one half is Gratitude
a shukr and the other half of Iman
is a subtle patience So patience and gratitude
together make al-iman which you need to
enter the paradise The part of a shukr
is when we fulfill Allah عز وجل's commandments
So when we pray when we fast and
we do the obligatory deeds that is a
shukr being fulfilled the other half is a
suburb and We need suburb in order to
complete our Iman When we zoom into a
suburb and look into a suburb patience We
realize that patience is of three types and
this is important so you can understand where
this lecture is going the first type of
patience is when you are fulfilling and performing
the worships Every worship requires suburb every point
of worship requires patience When you get up
in the morning and make wudu for a
salat That's a difficult task that needs patience
every single day when you're praying five times
a day and on time That's not easy
that requires a lot of patience.
It's difficult Ramadan comes once a year and
you have to fast the entire month.
It requires a lot of sabr from you,
So the obligations that Allah put upon us
and the commandments of Allah Require a lot
of patience Allah Azawajal.
He says fa'budhu wastabir li'ibadatih Worship
Allah Azawajal and remain patient upon his worship
That's the first type of patience when it
comes to the obligations The second type of
patience is when it comes to the prohibitions
So when you avoid sins and you avoid
al haram that also requires patience Right, it
all requires patience The second type of patience
is the patience that is required when you
are avoiding sins and transgression so now as
zina today is Rampant in the society that
we live in in across the world It
is very easy to commit as zina as
zina is not only one form The eye
commits as zina when you see al haram
So we said the second type of patience
is patience When it comes to the sins
and avoiding al haram that requires patience and
we said for example as zina As zina
is a sin.
It's a prohibition and So now as zina
is not one type in where just a
man and woman meet each other and they
sleep together As zina is zina of the
eyes As zina of the eyes that requires
a lot of patience for you to hold
yourself and restrain yourself from watching al haram
As zina of the tongue when a person
speaks inappropriate words to the opposite gender That
requires a lot of patience for you to
hold yourself back As zina of the hands
to touch inappropriately as zina of the legs
to walk to al haram This especially in
this society is so easily for a person
to fall into it So when you hold
yourself back That's patience and you are rewarded
for every time you decide to hold yourself
back from al haram So that's the second
type of patience and go on with all
the sins and all the prohibitions So patience
is required when you keep away from sins
So don't ever think that when you avoid
a sin that are you just lost a
moment of pleasure You could have pleased yourself
and enjoyed a few moments with al haram,
but I lost this Yeah, because when you
avoid al haram You are being patient and
that patience Allah is rewarding you for it.
It doesn't go to waste It is being
rewarded and you are fulfilling this half of
an iman which is patience which is required
to complete an iman as a whole and
Then the third type of patience is patience
upon the calamities of this worldly life You
lost health you lost wealth.
You lost a loved one that requires patience
How do you be patient when you go
through a calamity in life is to say
in Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raji'oon
That's patience If you are able to say
that and to say alhamdulillah upon the calamity
then you are exercising patience And if you
are to say other than that which pleases
Allah such as saying why this patience or
why this calamity?
Why did Allah give this to me?
It seems to me that Allah doesn't love
Allah is not just in his decrees and
so on words like this are Displeasing to
Allah you have lost your patience in a
moment of calamity So these are the three
types of patience and I wanted to start
with that so we can speak about the
fact that breaking free from evil and temptation
Requires patience and here al ulama rahimahumullah they
said That keeping away from the prohibitions Keeping
away from sins and al haram is much
better and more rewarding than engaging in voluntary
deeds Why?
Yani, let me give you an example if
a person spent the night praying salat al
layl Six seven hours of the night.
He's praying two rakaat after two rakaat after
two rakaat.
He read ten ajzaa and that very same
person Let's say he didn't pray the night,
but he was fighting himself from a sin
His mind is telling him watch al haram
do al haram And he's fighting himself eventually
he wins the battle and he keeps away
from al haram For you to keep away
from al haram is much more rewarding than
to pray an entire night of salat Why?
Because the one who left al haram He
performed an obligation It is worship to keep
away from al haram.
It is an obligation Praying the night is
not wajib.
It is recommended and in Islam the obligations
Take preference and precedence over the recommended deeds
Therefore an entire night of you struggling against
yourself and the shaitaan To keep away from
a sin is much much more rewarding This
is why I said to you don't ever
be fooled to think that I wasted a
moment of pleasure I could have pleased myself
and no one would have saw me Now
Allah if you kept away you have fulfilled
an obligation and You are increasing in your
iman at that very moment How does iman
increase and how do you think iman increases
from the ways in how iman Increases is
by keeping away from sins When you avoided
a sin for the sake of Allah at
that very moment your iman increased Allahu akbar
when nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He says وَمَنْ هَمَّ بِالسَّيِّئَةِ فَلَمْ يَعْمَلْهَا كُتِبَتْ
لَهُ حَسَنَةً كَامِلَةً Anyone who desired and was
concerned to do a bad deed But he
left it and he didn't do it Allah
would record for him one hasana A hasana
that he didn't do But the hasana that
is recorded is because he was patient and
was able to keep away From the sin
and this opinion that I shared with you
is the opinion of Aisha رضي الله عنها
والحسن وعمر ابن عبدالعزيز وابن رجب رحمهم الله
and so many of al ulama When nabi
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
He said in the hadith اتق المحارم تكن
أعبد الناس Avoid the prohibitions and you will
be the most righteous among mankind Why is
that the case?
Because doing righteous deeds everyone can do that
even the criminal can do righteous deeds Give
us sadaqa feed a poor shelter a poor
look after a homeless Everyone does that the
righteous the corrupt the sinner everyone does it
But who keeps away from prohibitions only the
righteous only the righteous keep away from sins
Therefore nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said avoid
the sins and you will be the most
pious Among all of mankind and Hassan al
-Basri rahimahullah he said ما عبد العابدون بشيء
أفضل بتركهم ما نهاهم الله عنه Hassan al
-Basri rahimahullah he said the best thing a
worshipper can do concerning his servitude to Allah
The best thing a slave could do is
avoid that which Allah azawajal prohibited Look at
the emphasis of al-ulama al-salaf when
it came concerning sins Where are these words
in our lives?
Today the people the sins not people the
vast majority don't care Whether a sin is
minor or major doesn't matter.
No one saw me.
No one is going to watch me No
one recorded it against me and even safe
someone spoke again about me Who is he
to bring it up in the gatherings and
speak about me and subhanallah Yes are on
a highway in their sins not noticing what
al-ulama and the scholars of Islam Had
of an approach towards sins.
Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhu said take this he
said رَدُّ دَانِقٍ مِمَّا يَكْرَهُ اللَّهُ أَحَبُّ إِلَيَّ
مِنْ خَمْسِ مِئَةِ حَجَّةٍ Ibn Umar radiyallahu anhu
he said for me to return يعني 0
.65 grams of gold For me to return
this haram money return it back to its
rightful owner is much more beloved to me
than performing 500 hajj You need 500 years
to do 500 hajj because it only comes
once a year For him to free himself
from a sin is much more beloved than
engaging in a voluntary deed الله أكبر و
النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم He said about
One of the categories that enter into the
shade of Allah on the day of judgment
He said وَرَجُلٌ دَعَتْهُمْ مَرَأَةٌ ذَاتُ مَنصِبٍ وَجَمَالٍ
فَقَالَ إِنِّي أَخَافُ اللَّهِ A man who was
approached by a woman who looked pretty and
beautiful and she also had a position of
authority and leadership and He said to her
I fear Allah.
I don't want to commit al-haram with
you You know Nabi ﷺ he described in
this case a woman that had beauty and
she also had a position of authority Why
because a woman with beauty is very difficult
to resist and a woman that has authority
It's like you have to fall into what
she wants because she'll use her authority to
prison you you'll get in trouble She'll blackmail
you So if you said to that kind
of woman like Yusuf ﷺ with Ima'at
al-Aziz That's the very same thing.
She had looks and she was in a
position of authority to say to that woman
إِنِّي أَخَافُ اللَّهِ I Fear Allah.
I don't want to fall in al-haram
That Allah will put such a person Under
his shade on the Day of Judgment.
What good deed did he do?
The fact that he avoided a sin He
avoided a sin.
So look at the high reward that he
had on the Day of Judgment Umar ibn
Abdul Aziz, he said ليس التقوى صيام النهار
ولا صلاة الليل التقوى أداء مفترض الله وترك
ما نهى الله Umar ibn Abdul Aziz is
teaching us something He said don't assume that
piety is to fast the days Voluntary fasting
we're talking about and to pray the nights.
Don't think that's what righteousness is That's something
of righteousness, but he said the real righteousness
Is to do what Allah obligated and to
keep away from that which Allah prohibited That's
what righteousness is So now I share with
you a few methods These are methods The
more you have of them in your life
The quicker you'll break free from your sin
and your temptation And the less you have
of them That's what the problem would be
for why you continuously fall into your sin
So now as you listen See which one
is involved in your life and which one
is not If it's not involved in your
life start working on it These are practical
steps and there is nothing better than this
for you to break addiction and break the
sins Today people are paying thousands and thousands
of dollars Attending courses how to break free
from an addiction And rehabs and so on
No problems that could be beneficial but high
and above all of this Is the words
of a nabi sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the
directions of allah azza wa jal and the
explanation of our ulama number one In order
to break free from a sin and a
temptation You first need to know that sins
are repulsive abhorrent Disgusting and filthy in nature
That's the first thing you need to know
when you're tempted to commit a sin You
see my brothers and sisters in islam Allah
azza wa jal only forbade the sins because
they are disgusting and filthy in nature And
when you are aware of this fact this
becomes a reason for why a person can
remain patient in avoiding a sin I'll give
you an example the normal human being Whose
fitra is still intact.
It hasn't been changed.
His natural disposition is still normal and fresh
like how allah gave him He runs away
from anything that is filthy and disgusting And
i'll give you an example If you smelt
a bad smell a normal human being what
does he do?
He blocks his nose and he runs away
If you tasted something really bad Normal human
being will spit it out and will never
eat that thing ever again If you saw
something filthy and disgusting Let's say you entered
a public bathroom And you saw urine around
the toilet and so on and it smells
it stinks you run out of there even
if you had to hold it in until
you go back home because the Look was
very disgusting and filthy a natural human being
runs away from that which is filthy and
disgusting And a normal human being would come
close to that which is beautiful and pleasant
if I smell something Like this barbecue that
we're smelling outside You come near it you
approach it right and you want to know
but what's this?
And what's this perfume you've ever can you
give me its name?
I want to purchase it This is a
normal human being runs away from what's filthy
and comes closer to that, which is good
And so allah when he describes sins in
the quran, these are the words he uses
Al-munkar, al-dhamb, al-khabaith, al-fawahish
Which all refers to the matter that the
sins are disgusting and filthy and horrible and
evil in nature And there's a very important
principle here to know and that is that
allah never forbids anything upon us Except that
it is harmful and damaging and destructive to
us to our body and to our soul
and to a spiritual state If someone was
to ask Why is this haram?
Why did allah make this haram?
You know what the answer is always your
default answer should be because it's harmful To
the human heart to his body.
It's harmful to society to al-iman It
harms you in the grief.
It harms you in the afterlife.
There is absolutely no goodness in what allah
azza wa jal declared haram Take a look
at for example, let's take alcohol as an
example How many times does it appear on
the news that after long research Scientists have
realized that a cup of alcohol is beneficial
for you Three years later Actually that study
was wrong.
Zero alcohol is good for you Two years
after that Half a cup is good Four
years later actually no alcohol is good and
they are confused and misguided going between sometimes
it's good Sometimes it's not good.
The believer is not confused.
Why is the disbeliever confused because he has
no wahi in his life He doesn't follow
the revelation of allah.
So he remains confused Whereas the believer has
the wahi of allah azza wa jal allah
azza wa jal considered alcohol from al-khabaith
a filthy disgusting sin Therefore we will never
be confused The west is misguided because they
don't have wahi.
We ask allah azza wa jal to guide
them By Drugs, you all know the harms
of drugs on the individual in the society
And in the community and so on very
clean pork And look at it harms on
the human being and his health and so
on Look at ar-riba Ar-riba is
oppression Can you see how harmful it is
upon the people?
This world And all its banks around the
world have been raising the interest rate time
and time again It just keeps going up.
You think people love this?
People hate this It's oppression how many people
have fallen into mental illness and depression and
suicide because of ar-riba You see the
harms in everything that allah made haram.
Look at the harms in it.
There's absolutely no goodness in it Look at
smoking and vaping and a shisha and what
kind of harm it brings upon a person
Look at az-zina Az-zina it brings
with the hiv aids genital warts.
It harms society kids are abandoned Murder is
legalized as a result of az-zina here
in australia at least for example abortion is
legal Until the age of six months Sure
six months six months.
It's already a child that looks like a
child And here there's a law that permits
if a woman according to my body my
She wants to abort this child.
No problems Six months even if it's a
healthy child two doctors get involved.
No problems We'll cut him into pieces and
we'll take him out.
See what az-zina did it led to
murder This is why az-zina and murder
were always mentioned together in the quran Look
at homosexuality.
Where's the goodness in that?
A person risks * cancer genital warts aids
hiv monkey pox Human papillomavirus hepatitis abc which
have no cure on medication for life.
Where's the goodness in that?
There's no goodness at all.
Look at * An adult content that is
online It creates addiction.
That's harmful Isolation increased aggression distorted beliefs and
perceptions about relationships negative feelings For what for
one or two minutes that a person wanted
to enjoy and then he suffers all these
consequences afterwards Even the point is when allah
makes something haram because it's disgusting.
It's harmful.
It's filthy It's going to kill your physical
body and your spiritual side.
It's going to destroy you in your grave
in the afterlife There's no goodness in it
That's knowledge you need because this is the
greatest tool and weapon that keeps you away
from sins That's how you're able to break
from an evil temptation and a sin by
recalling all of these matters and so The
intelligent seeing person keeps away from that which
is harmful Wallahi, it was mentioned that some
of the arabs never used to drink alcohol
And when they were asked about this, you
know what they answered these are these are
bedouins They don't believe in allah.
They wouldn't drink alcohol.
They were asked why?
They would answer and say how can a
sane sound-minded person?
Intoxicate himself and then act like an idiot
in the streets and among his family Heather
this is someone that had didn't believe in
allah, but he said this is harmful.
I don't want to approach it I don't
want to come near it because look at
its consequence and what it brings of harm
to my Self this the normal sane person
keeps away from that which is harmful And
sometimes I say to you sometimes Some matters
could be confusing some sins Could appear as
though they are good Right, isn't that what
the world is doing?
This is what a shaitan does So they
take homosexuality for example.
Yeah, but these are two people that love
each other.
Why are you going to get involved?
It's good If you separate them, then they're
going to fall into mental health.
They might become suicidal at the end Right,
so it's decorated.
It's beautified.
It's colored and then people start having it.
You know what?
Okay, I won't practice it, but I feel
sorry for those that are involved in it.
I accept you the way you are This
is what happens.
So sometimes a sin could become confusing to
They're confused I'll tell you a drug and
Yeah, okay, but it really brings great.
It's a stress reliever Smoking hacks, but smoke
it out Smoke out your problems in life
and the stress that you have in life.
It should be good and some people say
yeah Maybe so it sounds convincing.
Let me try it actually worked Right who
were two rakat instead of a cigarette would
have relieved you much more than that cigarette
but This is how distortion becomes at the
end of time Nabi ﷺ said At the
end of time deceptive years come upon the
people What is haram becomes decorated and it
looks like it's good And what is good?
becomes dirty among the people And people keep
away from it and distance themselves from it.
So we need to be careful of this
matter And so when you fall into this
confusion So you're now confused is this haram
or not what's going to solve the confusion
Read the quran was sunnah and it clarifies
your confusion.
I'll tell you what's halal and what's haram
Even if that haram was committed by the
entire society.
This is why al ulama rahimahumullah.
They would say How can someone avoid something
if he has no clue of what to
avoid Therefore we need to seek knowledge We
have to learn our deen So that when
you learn your deen, you know, what's a
halal and haram.
You'll know that the haram is filthy disgusting
I keep away from it Okay, so that
is the first point and the first reason
in how to avoid a sin always always
always Bring to your attention and to your
mind sins are filthy and disgusting and despicable
in nature And they are harmful to me
and my health and my spiritual state and
my relationship with allah and my grief and
my afterlife So I better walk the other
way the second reason of how to break
free from sins and temptation Is to have
shyness of allah al haya'u min allah
Let me explain this to you.
You see when a servant knows That allah
is watching that's what haya' is al haya'
from allah being shy of allah Is to
be aware that allah azza wa jal is
watching you all time When you know that
allah is watching over you and he sees
you and he hears you Now you will
be too shy before your lord to expose
Yourself to his anger and his punishment Shyness
in arabic is called al haya' Well haya'
it comes from the word hay And hay
means living The one who is shy of
He is a living person He has life
in his heart The one who has lost
his shyness of allah He's a dead man
walking Because there's no more life in his
heart Today No one would dare To commit
a sin in front of his mother or
his father Or his brother or sister or
in front of his wife or in front
of her husband Not in front of the
children, even if it was a small child.
No, no, I won't do it Embarrassing filthy
How am I going to do a sin?
in front of my father Yeah That's dirty.
That's disgusting.
I feel extremely embarrassed and shy the question
is Wasn't allah Worth that shyness from you
more than anyone else Considering the fact that
they will not judge you on the day
of judgment It would be allah who will
judge you on the day of judgment So
you need to grasp the reality of what
it means to be shy of allah Wallahi
if you were in a room alone And
you heard the squeaking of a door You
will immediately drop what was haram from your
hands And you would be shaking And then
when you realized that the door was opened
by the wind Wind that came in and
gave you Air for you to breathe coming
from allah If you feel at that moment
a sigh of relief That's dangerous Because were
you scared that someone was at the door?
And you weren't Afraid of the fact that
allah was looking at you all this time
Then we need to refresh this kind of
knowledge in our hearts and in our minds
once again And I tell you Here a
practical tip look Whenever you approach to commit
a sin No matter what it is and
wallah today's sins are known and by far
the greatest of them is adult content online
That's not that's not my conclusion my statistic
He said the greatest fitna upon men is
women That's what the nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam
said And do you think?
That as time advances it gets easier now
wallah it gets worse Especially with this type
of technology People are very tempted to fall
into a sin without even wanting to see
it it pops up in front of you
And then one thing to another especially on
social media From one real to another From
one short to another from one profile to
another will you see al haram?
With a human fitra if he doesn't keep
this thing away from him.
He will fall into al haram whoever it
is Okay What do we do?
You know, I tell you when you approach
to commit a sin At that very moment
as a believer, you know deep down that
allah is watching right?
You know this Of course, you know this
because if you don't believe allah is watching
a person is a kafir And that feeling
of allah is watching And nabi sallallahu alaihi
wasallam calls it It is the advisor of
allah that is installed in the heart of
every believer Any sin you're going to do?
There is a panic inside the heart because
you know allah is watching.
I want to tell you something Next time
if this happens, we ask allah to protect
us from sins Don't suppress that feeling Don't
close that feeling don't say i'll deal with
this later and shut it.
No What you're supposed to do is as
you're there bring this feeling up until your
tongue Say say say aloud allah is watching
Say bismillah Say audhubillah Allah says Doesn't this
person know that allah is watching answer allah
say yes.
I have the knowledge that you're watching allah
Bismillah say it say it aloud You know
what this does As you are repeating these
words it begins to cut And cool down
this desire and temptation within you Because in
nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam said Nothing can outweigh
the name of allah So if allah's name
is on one side of the scale And
your temptation and desire as strong as it
It's on the other side of the scale
Nothing nothing will outweigh allah's name allah's name
would weigh heavier And your desire and your
temptation will be thrown out the window and
out of your heart and you'll move away
from that sin Bring these words bring them
to life Say allah is watching I give
you an example of yusuf alayhis salam yusuf
Yusuf alayhis salam was in that setting The
doors were closed the wife of the king
had shut all the doors and locked them
And he was a beautiful man and she
was a beautiful woman and she adorned and
prepared herself for a zina And she said
to him I've prepared myself for you.
Let's do al haram You know what?
He said he said He said the word
allah he said I seek your protection oh
allah See at the moment at that moment
of temptation say allah And the next step
what do you do after that The next
step is after you say that get up
and move away from there Get up and
move Because if you observe the case of
yusuf alayhis salam After he said what did
he do?
He said He raced to the door he
ran away from the very place his foot
was Where he was called to al haram
Al haram was only centimeters away from him
He ran to the door What happened when
he got to the door?
The master the king her husband opened the
door you see that what's that what does
that imply it implies relief It's all over
between you Running away from the area of
sin Just move Just a few meters before
relief comes Enter if you were just about
to commit a sin and you said And
you got up and walked three four steps
It's all over There's no more burning sensation
in the heart and there is no more
desire for the sin in the heart It's
It's gone Look at the practical solution And
this is through the story of yusuf alayhis
salam And this can only be done when
you are conscious that allah is watching you
And you know if this happens Well, I'll
tell you something.
Listen, listen, listen If this if you do
this now if you practice it the next
time you're approaching a sin You know what
level you reach in islam?
What kind of level you reach?
You will reach the level of The highest
level you can reach which is excellence.
Why what is ihsan?
That you worship allah as though you can
see him, but obviously you can't see him
So what's the other solution?
If you cannot see him then you're well
aware that he can see you So you
only walked away from the haram because you
know allah is watching you Heda ihsan Not
Not iman ihsan wallahu yuhibbul muhsineen Allah loves
those who are excellent.
He loves al muhsineen You can reach all
that by walking away from a sin.
Hey now you can Try it and see
what kind of iman is going to start
growing in your heart Because I told you
the obligations you might have are all down
pat You're doing everything five daily prayers or
siyamah That's not your jihad Probably that's not
your jihad in life.
Your jihad is these sins and I tell
you something don't give up.
Don't ever give up on yourself Continue to
fight continue to struggle keep going never give
up Because the day you give up you
allow the shaitan to win the battle And
the day you keep going until you break
the temptation The shaitan has lost the battle
and I tell you something wallahi for you
to die To die as a mujahid fighting
your sin Is much better Than dying upon
a sin having given up from it At
least you meet allah a mujahid You meet
him with a person that is facing your
sins and struggling against them So implement this
kind of advice that was mentioned allahu akbar
He said Those who feed their lord in
the unseen But no one can see them
For them is maghfira a huge forgiveness Just
by avoiding the sin allah forget just by
avoiding the sin allah forgives sins If you
avoid major sins Just by avoiding them.
You're getting minor sins wiped away Just by
avoid do nothing.
You just avoided allahu akbar Lahum maghfira a
great forgiveness And a huge reward which is
the paradise And after after you implement this
solution that I told you about You need
to respect your weakness After you break free
from a sin and you do it for
the very first time in your life Bismillah
you've become a muhsin.
You need to respect your weakness Because after
that you're weak As shaitan can come any
moment after that a minute two minutes later
and tempt you back into the sin Respect
your weakness.
What does it mean to respect your weakness?
I tell you something, you know when someone
comes out of surgery, where do they put
In which unit in the icu Intensive care
unit he came out of a surgery.
They put him in the intensive care unit.
What's the intensive care unit?
You know what it is It is where
nurses are around you 24 7 and doctors
are around and machines are there and all
the levels and that could be seen What
it means when you break free from a
sin for the very first time respect your
weakness And assume that you have just come
out of surgery and you are in the
icu It means don't be alone Make sure
you're around people Make sure you're around people
like the patient and there's nurses around him
You need people around you need good people
around you come to al-masjid do something
beneficial And as a result, it'll strengthen you
It'll strengthen you until you have that resilience
and that power and that bi-idhnillah You'll
never see that sin ever again in your
life But you need to try you need
to put the first step in And achieve
something achieve something in your life in this
regard Don't always go back to the sin
do it once in your life once well,
you're not going to die do it once
in your life Today i'm going to avoid
I'm sure what's going to happen afterwards The
third way in how to break free from
temptations and evil Is to contemplate Allah's favors
upon you and his kindness upon you because
since they remove blessings And they continue to
remove them until they're all gone You see
my brothers and sisters in islam.
Allah's blessings upon us are immeasurable And the
more we thank allah the more he gifts
us No person can ever commit a sin
except that allah would remove a blessing from
his life and that is due to the
sin So if you want allah's blessings then
keep away from sins If a person repents
Allah could replace that blessing once again or
replace it with a new one But if
you persist upon a sin with no repentance
then every sin is removing a blessing and
removing a blessing Allah azza wa jal in
the quran he says You all know this
ayah, but the vast majority interpret it incorrectly
The vast majority say allah does not change
the condition of a people until they change
Yes wrong That doesn't mean it doesn't mean
that primarily the ayah means Allah does not
change the blessings of people Meaning allah does
not change the good state of people to
a bad state Until they themselves go from
obedience to disobedience That's what the ayah means
Allah azza wa jal does not change your
good blessed favored state And he doesn't go
from blessings in your life to badness until
you make the change first and go from
obedience to disobedience And with no tawbah in
between Then from the ayah, we learn that
every sin removes a blessing And this gets
worse Blessing worldly blessings going is not a
calamity The calamity is that these sins also
take away from the blessing of iman It
will start eating up on your spiritual state
So the sin you do decreases the iman
Continues to deplete the depleter until there's nothing
left And that's the greatest calamity in life
That's what you should be aware of some
of the salaf.
They would say I committed a sin And
I was deprived of praying the nights for
an entire year truth He was deprived that
the blessing that was removed from his life
was the night prayer some would say a
sin A sin caused him to abandon the
congregational prayer That could be a consequence of
the sin A sin could make you forget
knowledge Forget ayat that you once had memorized
in your mind and heart That's the terrible
nature of sins So we need to understand
these blessings.
Where are they going from the sins?
Some of the ulama were asked I'm not
able to pray the night So I think
it was al-hassan al-basri.
He answered them.
He said Your sins chained you up from
doing righteous deeds Stop the sins and the
blessing of doing goodness will be brought back
into your life subhanallah And the matter here
is That Then you need to understand The
sins in nature are going to deprive a
person from the blessings.
So you make a tawbah the blessing comes
back into your life Be conscious of this
Until you have blessings in life.
Would you like to see them go one
after the other?
Here's the door of sins and start doing
one after the other No one in his
right mind wants his blessings to go People
want their blessings to remain and to increase
Now here we're not saying only decrease but
being removed So if you contemplate and think
of this matter, it is a great reason
to keep you away from a sin The
fourth matter and perhaps I share two more
with you The fourth matter is to fear
allah's punishment And this can only be achieved
By believing the promise and the threat of
allah azawajal and believing the ayat in the
quran that describe the punishment of * That's
the fourth way fearing allah's punishment.
You see my brothers and sisters in islam
The greatest type of fee is the fear
of allah azawajal and his punishment and anger
You might fear a lion.
You might fear a dog in the park
fear what you like But the greatest type
of fee you will ever have in your
life Is the genuine fear of allah and
his punishment and the hellfire And fearing allah
What does that mean?
It means place between you and allah's punishment
a barrier put something there Put a good
deed keep away from a bad deed And
the fear of allah that we are talking
that exists in the heart of a believer
It's not the Like the scared type of
feeling in where it paralyzes you that i'm
so afraid that I just can't move and
do nothing The the healthy fear of allah
is the fee that moves you into action
To do a righteous deed to keep away
from a sin.
That's the good type of fear of allah
azawajal That's the one we're talking about And
look nothing Nothing will protect you from the
punishment of allah more than avoiding sins Because
sins are a reason for the punishment So
if you avoided the sins you avoided allah's
punishment You see that okay This is why
Many ayat in the quran That described the
punishment of * described it in the most
horrific nature and that is from the mercy
of allah azawajal And i'll tell you something
today if there was a electricity grid outside
of us here somewhere You know, what was
it if you go to an electricity grid,
what is there?
They fenced it they've closed it and there's
how many signs on it warning enter at
your own risk high voltage area Fetal they
put all these signs.
So when you Walk past it.
You'll say alhamdulillah.
Thank you very much that you've put out
warning signs So that I don't walk in
there because you would have died Al-quran
Well, of course, that's what the ayat of
punishment are about The ayat of punishment are
not to cause fear in your heart and
scared and terrified and shaking Maybe that could
be a result of them, but primarily they
are a mercy of allah you read for
example You saw Allah describes the wrongdoers
in the hellfire.
He says that he will pour upon their
heads scalding hot water And then it'll melt
what is in their bellies and their skin
will melt And then they are struck with
clubs of iron I know what it says
He said indeed we have prepared for the
wrongdoers for the transgressors a fire whose wall
Whose wall will surround it there's a fire
There's a wall surrounding it and if they
were to ever call for relief give us
some water to a thirsty They will be
given water like murky oil The moment it
comes to their face it will burn it'll
literally barbecue their face How horrible and evil
is this drink And what an evil resting
place this is These ayat in the quran.
What's the purpose when you read them?
Oh, and I don't want to do a
sin because if I do a sin, that's
where i'm going So fearing allah's punishment Is
a one of the greatest means to avoid
sins and break free from a temptation I
give you an example.
I give you a worldly example If there
were two rooms right next to each other
one room There is alcohol in it and
there is a beautiful woman in there And
another room there is a fire lit and
prepared And I said to you come Would
you like to enter this room?
There's you can do what you like do
enjoy do what you want in there But
listen very carefully the moment you come out
of there You're going to be pushed straight
into the next room Would anyone in his
right mind do it?
No one will do it.
But this is a worldly fire It's not
pie fire.
It's a worldly fire.
You will not do it.
Why why why would you do it?
Because you can see a fire in front
of you If I go in here and
enjoy 10 minutes of my life You're going
to throw me in here and i'll die
forever and i'll burn I don't want to
go in I don't want to tell you.
I'll tell you something the ayat of allah
The ayat in the quran that describe the
hellfire They are more believable than seeing a
fire with your own eyes Because the ayat
in the quran are the word of allah
and the word of allah is the truth
It is more true.
It is more believable than what your eye
can see So you wouldn't enter that room
and do al haram because you saw a
worldly fire What about the fire of the
That is much more intense than this world
than this fire here even when you think
about the punishment of the afterlife And the
hellfire that is a great means and a
tool To make you break free from your
temptation and from your sin And finally I
share with you one more matter And that
is one of the main matters that keep
a person away from sins and temptations is
Having self-respect and dignity and honor.
Let me explain this to you You see
my brothers and sisters in islam today's people
They're different personalities people Are different personalities some
Have dignity they have self-respect.
They have nobility.
They don't like foolishness They always aspire to
achieve excellence in life ihsan They worship allah
as though he can see them they purify
themselves from environments of filth from sins from
sinners They don't they dislike to do something
that brings them humiliation and shame and dishonor
among the people These are men and women
that have honor and nobility in islam.
It's called People that have honor and self
-respect And that's how the believers should be
allah azawajal he says about the believers Keep
away from the foolish A believer when he
passes by foolishness He passes by with dignity.
It's like he looks at foolishness.
That's not me That doesn't work with my
personality and he walks away The believer when
he sees Nonsense Rubbish garbage Sinners, he walks
He turns away.
He's not interested.
Why isn't he interested?
I have too much self-respect I can't
be seen in that.
I can't be seen in that environment.
So he walks away Well, of course the
nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
He says in allah Allah azawajal he loves
the lofty matters people that are lofty and
have self-respect and dignity Keep away from
sin and that environment allah loves such people
Okay, and there are people that have a
totally opposite personality They like foolishness when they
speak They are foolish Uh, their deeds are
They don't care about their condition and their
state They couldn't care less who they're with
what they mingle with what they do.
They don't have any self-dignity They have
no feelings no regret no self-accountability You
see having the feeling of regret and self
-accountability is a ni'mah from allah These people
with this second type of personality don't have
this have no honor.
No dignity No self-respect and and this
is the vast majority of this world in
life, but I ask you this question Why
is the majority of this world today?
without self-respect Why is the majority of
this world with no honor and no self
-worth I tell you why In nabi sallallahu
alaihi wasallam said That from the signs of
the hour The chief and the leaders of
people at the time today, they are called
the influencers They become the leaders of people
Today we live in a day and age
of social media Who are the influencers today?
Who are those on the world stage?
Who's running the show on earth?
Come open instagram open tiktok And go and
see where the 10 million followers are 100
million followers are you will most definitely find
that with dancers singers naked men naked women
sport stars Young children that have nothing to
offer this worldly life They are the vast
majority And they are the ones that are
leading the people And our young children absorb
this content And as a result, they want
to be like them These the people that
are in this influencer world.
They have no self-respect.
They have no dignity How can someone take
a picture of himself half naked and post
it to the world to see?
That's a person with no dignity with no
There is no self-respect Okay, these are
the leaders And all these young people are
following in their footstep This person became famous
because of a dance he did for 10
seconds This one became famous because he showed
something of his body became famous See why
the world is of no Dignity and self
-respect because these are the leaders and these
children consume This material time and time again.
They want to now be like that So
they create a profile for themselves and they
imitate them And it becomes a trend You
know the trend this word trend It only
means when you are following someone's footstep Someone
did something silly And it becomes a trend
meaning millions of people are doing the very
same silly act So now i'm talking about
avoiding sins, right?
How do we link all this back?
When you don't when you don't have self
-respect You will come closer to things that
are of no dignity like sins.
So you'll find it very easy to commit
sins Very easy and I don't even respect
I got no dignity.
No honor So that means you will be
hanging around foolishness and don't dignity and no
honor So, how do we restore within ourselves
honor and self-respect and dignity?
How do we teach our children this matter?
simple the influencer of a believer so-called
influencer that they call in this modern world,
but the leader of the muslim should be
knowledgeable people Wise people People that understand the
quran or sunnah hang around with them enough
And that will inject self-respect and dignity
into your heart once again That's how once
you become Once you hang around with scholars
and with knowledge and al-masjid and good
brotherhood slowly and surely Self-respect is being
restored into your life.
Once you had enough of it.
You will find yourself I got too much
self-respect to go back and fall into
a sin And that would be a means
in how you break away from Evil temptations
and desires and so on now So in
the end we ask allah azawajal that he
give us a good understanding of our deen
We ask allah azawajal that he protect us
from sins and transgression and rebellion and disobedience
We ask allah azawajal that he give us
steadfastness upon la ilaha illallah in this worldly
life until we die We ask him subhanahu
wa ta'ala that he only allow us
to meet him while we are upon la
ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah We ask allah azawajal
to grant us acceptance to forgive our sins
and our shortcomings We ask him subhanahu wa
ta'ala to admit us into the highest
levels of the paradise We
ask allah azawajal that he enable our youth
And he enable them and give them strength
to break free from their temptations and their
desires and their addiction We ask allah azawajal
to place a lot of barakah in their
life And to grant them success in this
life and in the afterlife and to preserve
us all Foreign